Facebook & Google

Why Facebook?

Facebook is a social media giant with over 3 billion monthly active users, making it a treasure trove of potential customers. By creating and curating engaging content on Facebook, you can:

  1. Connect with Your Audience: Establish a direct line of communication with your target audience, fostering a sense of community and trust.

  2. Leverage Targeted Advertising: Facebook's robust ad targeting options enable you to reach precisely the right people, maximizing your marketing ROI.

  3. Build Brand Loyalty: Consistent and authentic engagement on Facebook helps you build a loyal customer base who advocate for your brand.

  4. Analyze Performance: Facebook's analytics tools provide valuable insights to refine your marketing strategy and achieve better results.

Using paid Facebook we are able to convert aware consumers into paying customers using an effective digital marketing strategy that leverages the platform's extensive user base and powerful targeting capabilities

Ad Packages

Tier 3 (100+ Units) $3,500

  • Owner Controlled Ad Spend: This means you have control over the ad budget, and it's not a fixed amount. You can allocate your desired budget based on your advertising needs.

  • 5 Facebook Optimized Ads: You'll receive 5 Facebook ads that have been optimized for performance on the platform. These ads are designed to help you achieve your marketing goals on Facebook.

  • Backend Optimization: Backend optimization services are included, which can involve various strategies and techniques to improve the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

  • Owner Controlled Google Ad Spend: Similar to the Facebook ad spend, you have control over the Google Ad budget, allowing you to allocate it as needed.

  • 2 Google Ads: You'll receive 2 Google ads as part of the package. These ads may be tailored for different purposes or target audiences.

  • Backend Optimization: Like with the Facebook ads, backend optimization services are also included for the Google ads. This can help improve the performance of your Google advertising campaigns.

Tier 2 (50+ Units) $2,500

  • Ad Spend: $250

  • Ad Impressions: 50,000

  • Ad Design: 1 Ad Included

  • Backend Optimization: Included

  • Google Ad Spend: $500

  • Google Backend Optimization: Included

ADD ONS W/ Package:

Single Ad: $350

Ads: 1

Ad Spend: Included

Ad Design: Included

Backend Optimization: Included

Tier 1 (20+ Units) $1,500

  • Ad Spend: $200

  • Ad Impressions: 20,000

  • Ad Design: 1 Ad included Included

  • Backend Optimization: Included